Monday, December 3, 2012

Things That Inspired This Idea

Just a picture of a cracked egg that I got from this website about preserving food (?). I took it because I like how the light is breaking out through/out of the egg, like something powerful is being born.
This one i got from another artists blog (I think its called ''). I believe that even though some people might say animals aren't sentient (like people), they still have aspirations, dreams, and wants, even if it's just to survive. This bird's want to fly (and maybe survive) are deferred with a broken wing.
This last picture I got from someone's Tumblr page (think it's called brexian's cove). I picked it for similar reasons as the other bird picture, but not exactly the same. A dream can be deferred by coincidence or on purpose, and by that I mean by you or someone else. You defer yourself by believing you can't, or just giving up all together. And I'm sure you can guess how someone else can defer you.

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